Lighting the way.

Advising the Workday Financials ecosystem to make the most of their investment.

We focus solely on Workday Financials implementation and optimization projects. Tengen assists clients with a customer-first approach. This approach is a cornerstone of the value we offer our clients, further enhanced by our experience in accounting and finance business functions. The ultimate goal is to make your Workday better.

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Areas of Practice


We augment and enhance our client’s knowledge of their business with our experience supporting the Workday ecosystem. This includes all phases, from the financial system selection process, through implementation, on to optimization, and support. We share best practices and approaches with the highest likelihood of success.


We walk the walk. We will not only explain the why, but we are leaders in Workday configuration. We specialize in all Workday FMS functional areas. Whether the project is general ledger focused only, or includes other areas. Procurement, customer accounts, expenses, banking, reporting, business processes, security- We have done it.

Support & Optimization

We draw immense satisfaction in working with clients after go-live. Implementations are challenging enough, yet the application still requires stabilization, maintenance, and enhancement post-deployment. Tengen outlines support strategies and often participates in the support model. Our satisfaction in this phase comes directly from the users. It’s at this point in the project, we start hearing praise for Workday and what it brings to the lives of its users. This is also the point at which ideas to further optimize Workday come into view. This is an exciting time in the project and we are glad to partner in this journey.

“The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world”

– Plato

Get in Touch

Let’s talk Workday and how Tengen can help.